Jewellers Piercing Saw Blades

Jewellers Piercing Saw Blades

As a rule I find that 2/0 Blades are the best for most types of Pearl Work. They are fine enough to cut tight curves but not so fine as to have a tendency to "wander" when cutting straight lines. However for Shell Laminate Material - which due to it's wafer like construction tends to offer less resistance - I prefer to use finer blades such as 3/0 or even 4/0. Much finer blades are also available - but due their fragility I have found them to be - in essence - entirely impractical.

Grade 0 (Medium) Piercing Saw BladesT8 £3.95
Grade 0 (Medium) Piercing Saw Blades Super Quality with a rounded back to facilitate cutting curves. 130mm length. Hardened steel. 20 teeth per cm.Sold in bundles of 12 blades.
Grade 2 (Coarse)T7 £3.95
Super Quality with a rounded back to facilitate cutting curves. 130mm length. Hardened steel. 17 teeth per cm.Sold in bundles of 12 blades. I use these on the rare occasions when speed is more important than accuracy or when cutting thicker - i.e. 2mm Thickness - Shell Stock.
Grade 2/0 (Fine) Piercing Saw BladesT9 £3.95
Super Quality with a rounded back to facilitate cutting curves. 130mm length. Hardened steel. 21 teeth per cm.Sold in bundles of 12 blades.
Grade 3/0 (Extra Fine) Piercing Saw BladesT10 £3.95
Super Quality with a rounded back to facilitate cutting curves. 130mm length. Hardened steel. 22 teeth per cm.Sold in bundles of 12 blades.
Grade 4/0 (Super Fine) Piercing Saw BladesT10s £3.95
Super Quality with a rounded back to facilitate cutting curves. 130mm length. Hardened steel. 24 teeth per cm.Sold in bundles of 12 blades.

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