New Zealand Paua Abalone Dots

2mm, 3mm, 4mm, 5mm, 6mm. New Zealand Paua Abalone Dots

Please choose the size of dot required. Discounts are available on quantities of 100, 200, & 300 in the following sizes. 2mm - 6mm.

Discount when you buy any one size 
in large quantities as follows:

2mm/3mm/4mm/5mm/6mm - 0.36p each
(100+ 0.34p each) 
(200+ 0.32p each) 
(300+ 0.30p each)
Price £

Customer Reviews

Soooo Nice
Reviewed by ian young from northumberland

Dots arrived yesterday and they're awsome. The quality of the dots was perfect with no chips or imperfections. The only thing I will add Is to buy a few more items than you actually need as there's quite a difference in pattern(to be expected) Can't fault the dots, or the excellent service and help small wonders provided-Cheers guys!

April 2011







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