5 Pointed Stars

5 Pointed Stars

Inlay Star Shapes. In Mother of Pearl and Abalone. Please note that all Sizes indicated as being "Handcut" will invariably show some small variations.

12mm White MOP Star.S140a £5.95
12mm White MOP Star. Handcut. (Some small variations may occur)
18mm White MOP Star.S140g £7.50
18mm White MOP Star. Handcut. (Some small variations may occur)
20mm White MOP StarS140i £8.50
20mm White MOP Star Handcut. (Some small variations may occur)
25mm White MOP StarS140O £9.95
25mm White MOP Star Handcut. (Some small variations may occur)
15mm White MOP Star S140c £6.50
15mm White MOP Star Handcut. (Some small variations may occur)
Mother of Pearl Star 6mmS105 £1.75
Mother of Pearl Star 6mm 6mm
Mother of Pearl Star 10mmS106 £1.95
Mother of Pearl Star 10mm 10mm

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