Unbleached Bone Nuts

Unbleached Bone Nuts

Unbleached Bone is believed by many to be denser than Bleached Bone and therefore a superior material for both Nut and Saddle Blanks.

Unbleached Bone Nut Saddle 85 x 10 x 6 mmUBN 5 £6.25
Unbleached Bone Nut Saddle 85 x 10 x 6 mm Please Note; photo shows multiple images for illustrative purposes only. Priced & Sold individually.
Unbleached Classical Bone Nut 55 x 10 x 6 mm UBN 2 £3.25
Unbleached Classical Bone Nut 55 x 10 x 6 mm  Unbleached Natural Bone Nut Blank.
Unbleached Large Bone Blank 90 x 20 x 4 mmUBN 6 £8.95
Unbleached Large Bone Blank 90 x 20 x 4 mm Unbleached Natural Bone.
Unbleached Steel String Bone Nut 52 x 10 x 5 mm UBN 1 £3.00
Unbleached Steel String Bone Nut 52 x 10 x 5 mm Please note; even though multiple images are shown for illustrative purposes, sold individually.

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