Crown Inlay Sets

Crown Inlay Sets

Crown Fingerboard Inlay Sets. (Please call or email to order this set in other types of Shell not shown here)

Straight Sided White MOP "Crown" Inlay SetS79 £45.00
Straight Sided White MOP "Crown" Inlay Set 9 pcs.per set. 2mm Thickness.
White Mother of Pearl Crown Inlay Set 1.5 mmS82S £75.00
White Mother of Pearl Crown Inlay Set 1.5 mm Standard. (1.5mm Thickness) 9 pcs.

Customer Reviews

Reviewed by Ant Ryder from Oxon

High quality sets plenty thick enough to sand to reasonable fingerboard camber

March 2009
This review applies to the White Mother of Pearl Crown Inlay Set 2 mm version.







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